Thursday, July 3, 2008

Support for Summer Sport

SUMMER TIME IS HERE!!!! More people, including you, are out playing summer games. If you or a loved one are injured this summer playing sports, join our Binson's community at or come into one of our retail stores to see the full line of Back and Joint Supports to help you get healed. We know how you feel and we know how to help you feel better. Our line of Supports include Back Lumbar Supports, Hernia Supports, various Knee Supports, Wrist Supports, and Hand Supports. We'll help you get healed and get you back in the game. Enjoy your summer! For more information you can call us at 1-888-BINSONS or 1-888-246-7667.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Do I use Heat Therapy or Cold Therapy?

When it comes to back pain, there are mixed views to which therapeutic methods are the best. Some say ice compression; some say heat therapy. Which is better? It will all depend on individual situations and preference. As always, if your back pain is severe, consult with your doctor immediately. One question to answer is, when to use ice treatments?
Ice is good to use when treating new pain from fresh injuries and strains, especially within the first 48hrs. "In a world of sophisticated medical care, a simple ice massage can still be one of the more effective, proven methods to treat a sore back or neck, either when used alone or in combination with other treatments," says Stephen H. Hochschuler, MD in his 2006 article regarding ice and heat therapy. Ice treatments will initially reduce swelling, minimize any bleeding because the cold inhibits circulation by vein constriction. Also, due to this fact, there will be a reduction of damage to tissues and less muscle spasms. The ice treatments will decrease the amount of pain experienced by numbing the injured area.
Moreover, the treatments should be applied immediately and last no longer than 20 minutes. Make sure that ice is not directly applied to bare skin, for it can do more damage than good. A major misconception about ice is to apply it to skin after it has been burned. Big no, no. Ice burns skin, too. Ice should be used properly to treat muscle pains both immediately and for reoccurring pains. It helps relax muscles and helps tissues recover. But isn't that what heat therapy does?
Yes, heat therapy will help reduce pain and minimize spasms. Dr. Stephen H. Hochschuler notes, "heat therapy is probably more beneficial to the healing process by increasing circulation. The desired effect is for the heat to penetrate down into the muscles." Heat should not be used on new injuries or areas that are swollen or bleeding, because it will increase bleeding by causing the blood vessels to expand, allowing more blood in the injured area. This is why, during rehabilitation, heat will have a soothing feeling and relieve cramping and stiffness, allowing nutrients in the blood to circulate through the wound.
To treat with heat, make sure that the heated temperature is gentle to the skin, prevent possible burns. As with ice, heat should not be applied directly on the skin and should be checked periodically for possible skin damage. Heat should be uses properly to treat muscle pains during rehabilitation. With older injuries and pains, some people prefer the use of both ice and heat therapy for optimal pain reduction, the natural way, primarily on constant back pain.
When it comes to back issues, especially the lower back, you can find many products to help treat pain. There are compresses, pills, creams, ice packs and heating pads. Something to consider would be a lower back support brace that can heat and cool. "This support is ideal for men and women needing treatment for minor back aches and pains resulting from sprains, muscle soreness and strains, cramping, or contusion (bruising) and can be used during activity or when standing or sitting for an extended period of time. Features a reusable gel pack that can be heated in the microwave for therapeutic heat or stored in the freezer for cold therapy. A mesh pocket holds the gel insert over the lower lumbar region," as stated by the orthopedic specialists, FLA Orthopedics. Everyone likes the all-in-one one stop shop deals. When treating muscle pain initially with ice and later with heat, a back support such as this will work as a great tool for your healing process.

Whether you use heat or ice to remedy your pain, keep in mind the different temperature affects on the type of pain injury to your body. Always seek advise from a doctor before you begin any muscle pain treatments. May we all strive for a pain free existence.


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Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Arthritis is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in people older than fifty-five years.

There are different forms of arthritis; each has a different cause. The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is a result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age. Emerging evidence suggests that abnormal anatomy might contribute to the early development of osteoarthritis. Other arthritis forms are rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, autoimmune diseases in which the body attacks itself. Septic arthritis is caused by joint infection. Gouty arthritis is caused by deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint, causing inflammation. There is also an uncommon form of gout caused by the formation of rhomboid crystals of calcium pyrophosphate. This gout is known as pseudogout.


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A hernia is a protrusion of a tissue, structure, or part of an organ through the muscular tissue or the membrane by which it is normally contained. The hernia has three parts: the orifice through which it herniates, the hernial sac, and its contents.

A hernia may be likened to a failure in the sidewall of a pneumatic tire. The tire's inner tube behaves like the organ and the side wall like the body cavity wall providing the restraint. A weakness in the sidewall allows a bulge to develop, which can become a split, allowing the inner tube to protrude, and leading to the eventual failure of the tire.


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Scoliosis is a medical condition in which a person's spine is curved from side to side or front to back, and may also be rotated. On an x-ray, the spine of an individual with a typical scoliosis may look more like an "S" or a "C" than a straight line. It is typically classified as congenital (caused by vertebral anomalies present at birth), idiopathic (sub-classified as infantile, juvenile, adolescent, or adult according to when onset occurred) or as having developed as a secondary symptom of another condition, such as cerebral palsy or spinal muscular atrophy.


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Carpal Tunnel


Many people with carpal tunnel syndrome have gradually increasing symptoms over time. The first symptoms of CTS may appear when sleeping, and typically include numbness and paresthesia (a burning and tingling sensation) in the fingers, especially the thumb, index, and middle fingers. These symptoms appear at night because many people sleep with bent wrists which further compresses the carpal tunnel. If the median nerve is already under stress, the increased compression of the bent wrist creates the numbness and tingling. Difficulty gripping and making a fist, dropping objects, and weakness are symptoms of progression. In early stages of CTS individuals often mistakenly blame the tingling and numbness on restricted blood circulation and they believe their hands are simply "falling asleep". In chronic cases, there may be wasting of the thenar muscles (the body of muscles which are connected to the thumb)

It is important to note that unless numbness or paresthesia are among the predominant symptoms, it is unlikely the symptoms are primarily caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. In effect, pain of any type, location, or severity with the absence of significant numbness or paresthesia is not likely to fall under this diagnosis.


Most cases of CTS are idiopathic: without a known cause. A common factor in developing carpal tunnel symptoms is increased hand use or activity. While repetitive activities are often blamed for the development of CTS, the correlation is often unclear. Physiology and family history may have a significant role in individual's susceptibility. Furthermore, stress, trauma and several other diseases are also possible causes of CTS.


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Friday, March 7, 2008

Chiropractic Costs

As someone who goes to Chiropractor regularly, I can tell you that while they are great, they also can cost you a lot of money. Often times, someone with a back injury will initially see the Chiropractor three times a week. Typically seeing a Chiropractor costs $40 per visit. If your lucky, your insurance will cover most or all of this (keep in mind many will limit how many times you can go a year). However, seeing a Chiropractor 3 times a week will cost $120 a week. That's $480 a month and nearly $6000 a year! It's much better to prevent back injuries in the first place. Wearing back supports can help. Especially if you notice back pain cropping up. You can usually get a back brace for as little as $50. That's $10 more then the cost of seeing the Chiropractor one time. Binson's sells back braces, you can order one right now.

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